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Jeep and Off Road Show & Shine

jeep show and shine

Delmarva Outdoor Expo, the team of Live Wire Media and Trick Trucks of Millsboro are putting together a Truck, SUV and 4x4 SHOW & SHINE. There will be judging, awards and free giveaways.

By registering your vehicle you will receive 2 passes/badges - one for the driver and one for the passenger. Your badges will give you full access to Delmarva Outdoor Expo for the 3 days of the event.

For the Show & Shine, you need to have your vehicle placed by 10 am on Saturday 27th /Rain Date 28th/. Awards will be at 4 pm

You will need to fill out the window sheet that we will provide and place it outside on your windshield.

If it rains on Saturday we will have the show and shine on Sunday.

Club parking available. you may show up together to park together.

VEHICLE BASIC REGISTRATION: $25 /on-site will be $30/

Register Now

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